Evolving Organisational Cyber Resilience
The rapidly changing digital landscape is posing complex and, in some instances, critical risk management issues to organisations everywhere. Build adaptable responses, strategies and training to remain resilient and in control.

Cyber Incident Response Plans
Designed to assist IT Security teams in effectively responding to a cyber incident. We assist clients by building standalone corporate cyber response plans or integrated cyber resilience strategies within a crisis management or business continuity program.
Executive Cyber Awareness Training
We offer a range of innovative solutions to equip your executive team to deal with cyber threats and lead with confidence. Our training includes face-to-face and online courses. Our focus is not about ticking boxes, rather empowering leaders to use technology safely and securely.

Cyber Exercising
Exercise scenarios designed for crisis management teams, executives, or IT security teams. Realistic and tailored to each organisation. Rehearsing your corporate cyber response program through hands-on scenario exercises is critical to validate the effectiveness of your program and identify areas for improvement.
Cyber Ransom Procedures
Our communication specialists will help build plans and responses to a ransom threat. Build stakeholder and media responses that is fit-for-purpose. We'll assist with developing a variety of demand responses, allowing confident, tested strategies to achieving the best possible outcome.

Cyber Ransom Training
Test and validate how your organisation would react to a ransom attack. With cyber ransom training, you will ensure your teams are adaptable and understand the right rules of engagement when dealing with technology. Don't allow silly mistakes to open gaps in your infrastructure, train today.

The Evolution of Cyber Security
"There has been 33 billion in financial losses over the last year; an increase in the complexity of cyber attacks taking place; and critical infrastructure and primary services are focus areas for attacks.
These are key stats in terms of what we're seeing, but if we look at the actual trends, cyber ransomware attacks and data breaches are on the rise. The evolution and complexity of attacks means organisations are having to work harder to remain resilient and prepared. Cyber resilience should now be seen as one of your critical processes".
Dan Shields, CEO - RiskLogic


The Rise of Virtual Kidnapping
While our feeds have been flooded with news and developments on COVID-19, other disruptive events have subtly moved their way into people’s lives like an unexpected storm.
Strengthening cyber resilience in a COVID world
COVID-19 has transformed the way we work in unprecedented ways. As organisations re-establish business operations in a phased easing of restrictions, it’s expected that many working from home arrangements will continue.